Over 10,000 free and reduced price tickets distributed to under-resourced schools annually
Thank you for finding your way to my personal CCT Board of Directors page!
Serving on CCT’s Board is one of my passions in life. We are all about diverse and significant theatre and arts educational experiences of the highest quality for ALL of Chicago’s children. Many people don’t realize this, but CCT is a 501c3 nonprofit (a charity) focusing on access for underserved communities such as low-income families and youth with special needs.
The arts were an important piece of my development growing up. While I did not pursue acting as a career, I can say that involvement in theatre helped me grow as a person, and is a huge factor in the successes I have had in life. It is something that I have made sure to pass on to my kids, and being on CCT’s Board gives me the opportunity to spread appreciation and involvement in the arts out to the broader community.
For that to happen, CCT needs the support of my friends, family, co-workers, barista…all of the people that I connect with. So if you have made it this far, please consider taking it one step further and joining me as a CCT donor!
Your gift will make a huge difference in ensuring access to the arts for some of the city’s most vulnerable families. Click here to DONATE TODAY.
Thank you.
Our Impact
If you have questions, please contact our Director of Development, Matt Merrill, at mmerrill@chicagochildrenstheatre.org, or by calling (773) 227-0180 x319.