Saving Solstice is a story about Leora, a young girl who lives on a remote island. Her yearly holiday plans to visit her Aunt Alvie for the Solstice are ruined when her parents receive some bad news. A once-in-a-century wind storm is headed to the island and they are advised not to sail to the mainland. Worried that her Aunt will be devastated if they miss their favorite holiday, she devises a plan to escape the island and save Solstice.
But don’t think you get to put your feet up in front of the fire. Saving Solstice is a Move Along Story, designed to get everyone moving while we may not be able to leave the house. It is the middle of winter after all.
Saving Solstice Movement Guide and Resources
Saving Solstice Printable Movement Guide
Saving Solstice Video Movement Guide
Writer’s Note
Our winter holidays look different this year, there’s no doubt about it, but different this year doesn’t mean ruined forever. My grandma always said, “You can stand for a short time what you can’t for a lifetime.” Changing your holiday traditions may be uncomfortable, but it won’t last forever. And perhaps this weird year can be a chance to pick up some new traditions, traditions that are uniquely yours.
Chicago-based artists, Jessica Ridenour and Shawn Pfautsch are excited to share Saving Solstice, their second Walkie Talkie for Chicago Children’s Theatre. It’s their second collaboration ever, if you don’t count doing the dishes!
About CCT’s Walkie Talkies
Walkie Talkies fun, totally original audio experiences families can listen to together while exploring Chicago neighborhoods. Saving Solstice is a Walkie Talkie that takes place in Your Neighborhood—to be exact—in Your Home!
Saving Solstice is a gift from our supporters’ families to yours!
Before you start…we recommend you download this movement guide and review it first. There are lots of great resources included!
Saving Solstice Movement Guide and Resources