Winter Break Camp: Beach Bash

Runs Dec 27Dec 30, 2021

Ages 6-7
Monday-Thursday, 9:30AM-4:00PM CST at CCT, 100 S Racine Ave
Free Before-Care from 8:15-9:30AM and free After-Care from 4:00-5:30PM.

Escape the harsh Chicago winter for a week and join us at the beach! In this fun-filled 4-day camp exploring immersive theatre, young actors will create an original short theatre piece through acting, music, and design, all guided by professional artists. At the end of camp, students and their families will get to take a break from the cold outside and bask in the sun created by the magic of theatre. At the end of the week, campers will perform their own new story for families in CCT’s Pritzker Family Studio Theatre.

This camp is in-person. For information on precautions we are taking during the pandemic, please see our Education Policies & FAQs.