COVID-19 Attendance Policies

All attendees must read and agree to adhere to our COVID-19 attendance policies. Policies are subject to change, so please check back prior to your performance to confirm our current protocols.

Current performance attendance policies (as of 10/24/22) are:

  1. Face coverings are recommended but not required for all individuals above the age of 2. If you do not have a mask and would like one, one can be provided to you upon entry.
  2. If you feel sick, stay home and exchange your tickets for a different date, or request a refund. Do not attend a show if:
    • You have a body temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit or used a fever reducer in the previous 24 hours to treat a body temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
    • You have a new cough that you cannot attribute to another health condition.
    • You have a new or worsening sore throat that you cannot attribute to another health condition.
    • You have a shortness of breath that you cannot attribute to another health condition.
    • You have recently developed a complete loss of smell or taste.

COVID-19 Safety Acknowledgment

CCT is taking precautionary measures in alignment with CDC recommendations, state and local mandates and the policies of our venues with regard to COVID-19 safety with regard to the planning and execution of our in-person events.

 By virtue of their attendance, in-person attendees have expressed their agreement to adhere to these CDC, state and local guidelines, and venue policies in place for COVID-19 safety.  Further, by virtue of their attendance, in-person attendees acknowledge that they knowingly assume the risk of injury, harm and loss associated with COVID-19.

Duty Of Care

Individuals who fall within any of the categories below should not attend the CCT  in-person events. By attending the in-person events, you certify that you do not fall into any of the following categories:
• Individuals who currently or within the past fourteen (14) days have experienced any symptoms associated with COVID-19, which include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
• Individuals who believe that they may have been exposed to a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 or have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and are not yet cleared as non-contagious by state or local public health authorities or the health care team responsible for their treatment.

Health and safety protocols will be updated on a rolling basis based on prevailing local & state policies.

We recommend also reviewing the full City of Chicago COVID-19 Guidelines.